Saturday, June 6, 2015

Get beautiful smiles using cosmetic dentistry?

The cosmetic dentistry (CD) means the dental procedures which helps in improving the smiles of the people. The cosmetic dentistry aims to provide better self – confidence and self – esteem. In case of traditional dentistry the main aim of the patient is to get them cured of the oral diseases and to have better oral hygiene of the teeth. Looking good definitely comes with a price; hence those who want to look good should be ready to shell out a good amount of money in order to get the right looks.
Some of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures followed by the bend cosmetic dentist are as follows:
Whitening or Bleaching of the teeth – this is the most common procedure which is done on the teeth. The main idea of this procedure is to clean the stains on the teeth caused due to various reasons like smoking, poor oral hygiene and also the stains can be caused due to some medicines. In this procedure the teeth are cleaned and bleached in order to remove the stains. This helps to give you a pearly smile and beautiful teeth.
Dental Implants – this is another procedure used in cosmetic dentistry. The person can lose the teeth due to several reasons. In such case dental implants or artificial tooth replacements are done to restore the lost tooth. This provides better self-confidence to the person and also better smile.
Gum surgery – this is also one of the unique methods in cosmetic surgery. Many people have bigger gums and hence the teeth are seen less. Thus they have a gummy smile. In this method the additional tissues of the gums are removed and the dentist who is trained in the periodontics sculpts the gums. The cosmetic dentistry is also best for those who do have lesser gums – in this method the gums are grafted by the professionals by taking the tissues from other parts of the mouth.
Inlays and Outlays – this procedure is done with the help of composite material which the best way to fill a tooth. There are different types of dental filling available and the inlays are prepared in the dental laboratory prior to the bend implant dentist fitting the tooth to the patient.
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